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A hyper-text help database development kit that includes 2 royalty free help engines, and a help compiler with a built in cross reference tool, supports creation of DOS help databases, popular source files, Windows (winHelp & Multimedia Viewer), OS/2 (IPF), WWW and DESQview/X help source files!. Creates text and word processors documents with automatic table of contents, glossary and index from the same source. Now with Multimedia support! Write once, help many! Currently at version 11.5. Features : Topics, PopUps, Links, Keywords, Text Formats, Navigational and Structural facilities, Target Code insertion, Multiple module files, Automatic Pascal/C/C++ reference generation, Exception handling, Multiple file target databases, Graphics, Sound, Groups, Application Launch, Automatic exports creation, user defined link templates and more. Targets : Native(PX), Native(MEM), winHelp 3.0, winHelp 3.1, Multimedia Viewer, THELP, QuickHelp, TVHC, PopHelp, DESQview/X, OS/2, Text, Word Processors Documentation (Via RTF), Sony MM Player (Via MM Viewer), World Wide Web HTML supported readers (Windows, Macintosh, Unix-Motif, VMS and more). Platforms : Help Compilers are available for DOS, DPMI, Windows and OS/2 platforms. NewsDB News Hypertext Database generator - The tool that allows you to enjoy "Other People's Wizdom" - Create sophisticated hypertext databases from Usenet News articles. A companion to HLPDK, allows you to store the news articles that are of value to you, with smart news groups directories, automatic keywords generation for fast search, user defined groups, automatic article association from articles textual information to user groups, Author directories and references, article references to other (previous) and from other (later) articles and more. Database can be compiled to all the targets supported by HLPDK, including Windows, OS/2, DOS (several targets), DESQview/X and documents. Can even handle non Usenet text articles, with user groups links as well. Currently at version 1.0. RC2HDK Generate Help Templates for Windows Programs from RC resource description files. User's interaction with your application is done through the resources described in the RC file. With this tool, Your RC files are parsed, and a help template for your project is created. All you need to do is feel in your application options specific help, compile, and go! Currently at version 3.0. RSS Ron's Smart Search - A command line extension of TXS to allow FAST, SMART, LOGIC searches on multi-variable-record files. Supports keys, separators etc.., Used to scan mail files, problem indexes, etc.. Can extract the original data using fast index techniques. Now with support for huge database. Currently at version 3.0. RPTP Ron's Print To Printer - A text file formatter and printer support program. Supports page breaks, line numbering, standard and customizable headers and footers, any combination of page length and page width etc.. Now can print multiple file documents, and support printer formatting commands. Now includes a DOS front-end RPTPF program, and Windows front-end RPTPWF program. Currently at version 4.0. RFFSRT Ron's Flexible Fast Sort - Command line sort program for HUGE files, supporting text and Fixed sized records, up to 10 sort keys. Currently at version 2.3. Programming Units (Libraries) ----------------------------- 3dLIB C++ & Pascal 3D graphic animation package. FAST Wire-Mesh 3D objects, with a macro to Pascal/C++ language translator !. Supports Turbo Pascal for DOS, Turbo Pascal for Windows, Borland C++/4 for DOS. includes a DOS & windows hosted macro Translator and Animator, and a new DOS object compiler. Currently at version 3.0. 3DMania A Windows 3.1 Screen Saver module (.SCR) that displays rotating Boxes and Pyramids on your screen. This product is available free with source to registered 3dLIB users. Currently at version 2.0 mousLib Turbo (Borland) Pascal event driven mouse library. Supports the standard mouse API, plus extensions for event driven programming, support for DPMI mode, Text, Graphic and TRUE VGA cursor!. Bonuses include DESQview support unit and video hardware support functions. Now with on-line help. Currently at version 8.0. mouCLib Turbo C, C++, Borland C++ port of mousLib6, support most of the mouse API with extensions for event driven programming. Currently at version 6.0. parseTP Turbo Pascal math. expression parser unit. Supports many functions, natural expressions, constants and normal 5 math. operators, dynamic symbol table. Now with a DLL version, and interface files for C++! Currently at version 2.5. Also Available (Free to registered users) ----------------------------------------- il2HDK Ralf Brown's Interrupt List to HLPDK converter. Read the interrupt list and create HLPDK source with cross references and hierarchy navigation. Currently at version 3.1 for DOS and OS/2. ng2HDK Norton Guides to HLPDK converter. Currently at version 1.0. tpfHDK Convert Timo Salmi's Pascal FAQ to HLPDK. Currently at version 1.0. HDKLIB An extension library to HLPDK V10.0+. It adds functionality to HLPDK by including special "User Link Templates" to support special links, special graphics, enhanced text attributes etc. HDKLIB offers simple methods to create graphic and normal text links, 256 color bit map support, video, CDAudio, Multimedia MCI interface etc. winHelp users have access to the complete macro API, using !xxx user links. HDKLIB adds 68 new link types to the winHelp target, 77 to the MS multimedia Viewer target and 5 new RTF Word Processor link types. Included with HLPDK V11.5. HPCHDK10.ZIP - HelpPC 2 HLPDK converter, and POPHDK10.ZIP - POPHelp 2 HLPDK Converter are available for free to HLPDK registered users with the permission of Yaniv Golan.